This season's CELINE show took place at the infamous Palais de Tokyo, which holds great significance to designer Hedi Slimane, as this was the 20th anniversary of his first appearance at Europe's largest contemporary arts center for Dior Homme AW back in 2002.
Thousands of howling fans surrounded Palais de Tokyo to catch a glimpse of the many celebrities in attendance that formed the star-studded rows, such as Lisa and V from South Korean groups BLACKPINK and BTS. A moment of scrambling from some of the attendees amongst the screaming from beyond the walls for photos as the K-Pop stars entered the building. Amongst other front rowers was Earl Cave and partner Devon Ross as well as Eddie Redmayne.
The show was “a tribute to the institution and to remember this moment in menswear reform,” Slimane stated. Since his announcement as creative director at CELINE in early 2018, Slimane has largely focused on his personal portrayal of masculine dressing. In typical Slimane fashion, SS23 was a spectacle of androgynous menswear and a grand celebration of rockstar aesthetic, a symbol we've come to know and love CELINE for.
Hundreds of car headlights plastered the walls of the theater, reflecting and illuminating off-ceiling suspended golden abstract shapes (by David Weiss, Renata Peterson and Alyss Estay) freely spinning to the specially made soundtrack by the Brooklyn new-wave punk band Gustaf.
Dubbed “DYSFUNCTIONAL BAUHAUS” the collection featured classic rock, and American patriotic ‘Uncle Sam-esque’ inspired looks.
Patriotic symbolism was at a forefront of the show, many pieces featured American flag variations in many different forms including a sequin blazer closely resembling the Texan flag. Other looks featured sleek 80’s mod-inspired suits featuring pencil-thin ties, raw cut denim, swaying sequin tops and heavily decorated and crystal plastered outerwear such as pinstripe suits, bomber jackets and noir trench coats.
CELINE HOMME SS23 was a triumph of attitude and authentic self-expression for designer Hedi Slimane. Moreover, it was a celebration of the accomplishments and continuous creativity Slimane offers to the French fashion house.
Words by George Howarth
Images courtesy of CELINE
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This season's CELINE show took place at the infamous Palais de Tokyo, which holds great significance to designer Hedi Slimane, as this was the 20th anniversary of his first appearance at Europe's largest contemporary arts center for Dior Homme AW back in 2002.
Thousands of howling fans surrounded Palais de Tokyo to catch a glimpse of the many celebrities in attendance that formed the star-studded rows, such as Lisa and V from South Korean groups BLACKPINK and BTS. A moment of scrambling from some of the attendees amongst the screaming from beyond the walls for photos as the K-Pop stars entered the building. Amongst other front rowers was Earl Cave and partner Devon Ross as well as Eddie Redmayne.
The show was “a tribute to the institution and to remember this moment in menswear reform,” Slimane stated. Since his announcement as creative director at CELINE in early 2018, Slimane has largely focused on his personal portrayal of masculine dressing. In typical Slimane fashion, SS23 was a spectacle of androgynous menswear and a grand celebration of rockstar aesthetic, a symbol we've come to know and love CELINE for.
Hundreds of car headlights plastered the walls of the theater, reflecting and illuminating off-ceiling suspended golden abstract shapes (by David Weiss, Renata Peterson and Alyss Estay) freely spinning to the specially made soundtrack by the Brooklyn new-wave punk band Gustaf.
Dubbed “DYSFUNCTIONAL BAUHAUS” the collection featured classic rock, and American patriotic ‘Uncle Sam-esque’ inspired looks.
Patriotic symbolism was at a forefront of the show, many pieces featured American flag variations in many different forms including a sequin blazer closely resembling the Texan flag. Other looks featured sleek 80’s mod-inspired suits featuring pencil-thin ties, raw cut denim, swaying sequin tops and heavily decorated and crystal plastered outerwear such as pinstripe suits, bomber jackets and noir trench coats.
CELINE HOMME SS23 was a triumph of attitude and authentic self-expression for designer Hedi Slimane. Moreover, it was a celebration of the accomplishments and continuous creativity Slimane offers to the French fashion house.
Words by George Howarth
Images courtesy of CELINE
This season's CELINE show took place at the infamous Palais de Tokyo, which holds great significance to designer Hedi Slimane, as this was the 20th anniversary of his first appearance at Europe's largest contemporary arts center for Dior Homme AW back in 2002.
Thousands of howling fans surrounded Palais de Tokyo to catch a glimpse of the many celebrities in attendance that formed the star-studded rows, such as Lisa and V from South Korean groups BLACKPINK and BTS. A moment of scrambling from some of the attendees amongst the screaming from beyond the walls for photos as the K-Pop stars entered the building. Amongst other front rowers was Earl Cave and partner Devon Ross as well as Eddie Redmayne.
The show was “a tribute to the institution and to remember this moment in menswear reform,” Slimane stated. Since his announcement as creative director at CELINE in early 2018, Slimane has largely focused on his personal portrayal of masculine dressing. In typical Slimane fashion, SS23 was a spectacle of androgynous menswear and a grand celebration of rockstar aesthetic, a symbol we've come to know and love CELINE for.
Hundreds of car headlights plastered the walls of the theater, reflecting and illuminating off-ceiling suspended golden abstract shapes (by David Weiss, Renata Peterson and Alyss Estay) freely spinning to the specially made soundtrack by the Brooklyn new-wave punk band Gustaf.
Dubbed “DYSFUNCTIONAL BAUHAUS” the collection featured classic rock, and American patriotic ‘Uncle Sam-esque’ inspired looks.
Patriotic symbolism was at a forefront of the show, many pieces featured American flag variations in many different forms including a sequin blazer closely resembling the Texan flag. Other looks featured sleek 80’s mod-inspired suits featuring pencil-thin ties, raw cut denim, swaying sequin tops and heavily decorated and crystal plastered outerwear such as pinstripe suits, bomber jackets and noir trench coats.
CELINE HOMME SS23 was a triumph of attitude and authentic self-expression for designer Hedi Slimane. Moreover, it was a celebration of the accomplishments and continuous creativity Slimane offers to the French fashion house.
Words by George Howarth
Images courtesy of CELINE
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